I don’t know exactly why but I love quotes. Something about the portability of a quick quote that says so much just appeals to me. I wish I could say that I remember them all but really I have lists and lists of quotes that I review to find what I need to hear that day. It doesn’t take long, one will invariably jump out at me, like the Stephen King quote above that sparked this piece.

It’s hard to be brave sometimes. I just want to curl up in bed with a great book and some hot chocolate instead of facing the reality of my life. Because let’s face it – there are days when being an adult sucks. Those are the days when I find that I am struggling to get the words on the page. Mostly because I am usually as far away from my computer as I can get.

Those are also the times that my favorite quotes save me. They rescue me from my own frustration. They help me refocus and rejuvenate my spirit. And they give me a spark to create a firestorm of writing with.

Do you have any favorite quotes? Something that jumpstarts your day and adds a bounce to the world? If so I’d love to hear it. You can find more of my favorite quotes on my Waterfall of Quotes board in Pinterest. I hope that you find the words that lift your heart somewhere in your life and that you keep them close to you always.

Until next time, my fearless travel companions, enjoy the magic and the wonder that appears in your day.